2. June 2021 | TÜAÜ | Leave a comment Illustration: EAKL LISTEN! This Friday, June 4, at 11 at Facebook by the Confederation of Estonian Trade Union (EAKL): Among the speakers, there is the chair of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Estonian Energy Sector (representing, among others, Ida-Viru oil shale miners) who have supported the efforts of academic unions to increase funding for research and higher education, because the energy sector unionists there are well aware that without strong science (and the innovation that comes from it) and quality education, there can be no fair transition. Eesti Energeetikute Ametiühingute Liit (teise hulgas esindab Ida-Viru põlevkivikaevureid) on toetanud akadeemiliste ametiühingute püüdlusi teadus- ja kõrgharidusraha suurendamiseks, sest sealsed ametiühinguliikmed saavad hästi aru, et ilma tugeva teaduse (ja sealt tuleva innovatsioonita) ja kvaliteetse hariduseta ei saa tulla ka mingit õiglast üleminekut. Jaga:FacebookTwitterLinkedInLike this:Like Loading...