Hundreds of Google employees unionized! What for? Hundreds of Google employees unionized, culminating years of activism. The trust among the activists that unions are the main vehicle to summon the changes sought. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
" on board of Titanic which is on full speed about to hit an iceberg" - the head of the supreme court pictures in his recent speech the problems with the quality of Estonian law education and the unsustainability of the situation In the significant speech by Villu Kõve, the head of the supreme court of Estonia, the topic is the UT faculty of law, nevertheless it resonates to all the worrying developments of the recent years mutual to the whole academia. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Worrying developments with the higher education - the University of Tartu has taken a leap forward towards reintroducing tuition fees The University of Tartu has taken a long leap forward, in relation to insufficient public funding, towards reintroducing tuition fees. However, the parliament parties have previously promised support for free higher education. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The answer received from the UT regarding TÜAÜ's questions about the process of changing the salary rules 17. detsembril esitas Tartu Ülikooli Ametiühing ülikoolile järelpärimise TÜ palgaeeskirja muudatuste protsessi kohta. 28. detsembril saabus vastus TÜ personaliosakonnalt.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Christmas greetings from the Union of the University of Tartu Head kolleegid – ametiühingu liikmed, suur tänu teile kaasa mõtlemise, nõuannete, soovituste, ettepanekute eest! Just tänu teile oleme saavutanud kõik need tulemused!… Read More Like this:Like Loading...