Join the union - together we achieve wage stability and sustainable funding for the higher education Thanks to the joint pressure of the representative organizations of academic staff (university unions, Teaduskoda, ENTA), we achieved the implementation of the research agreement (teaduslepe)! JOIN THE UNION - TOGETHER WE WILL ACHIEVE PAY STABILITY! Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Feedback from the Union of the University of Tartu on the university's self-analysis report The report in no way reveals a real precarious situation - project dependency. If the University requires teaching and other activities from the academic staff in addition to project-based research, the staff have to be paid a base salary covered by the base funding the university receives from the state. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The minimums of UT pay grades are rising: does this lead to a reduction in the number of employees and a higher workload, or does the university have the necessary financial resources? Palgaeeskirja muutmise kavandile (st miinimummäärade tõstmisele) esitasid oma arvamuse vaid Tartu Ülikooli Ametiühing ja TÜ Narva kolledž, kelle mõttekäigud olid sult sarnased. Palgatõus ei tohi tulla inimeste arvu vähenemise ja töökoormuse tõusu arvelt. Palgatõus peab olema kaetud tsentraalselt.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
EI kärbetele: koroonalaenude tagasimaksmine ei saa toimuda õppejõudude, õpetajate, päästjate ja politseinike arvelt Miks peab koroonalaenud kinni maksma just ühiskonna see osa, kelle töötasud on juba niigi ajale jalgu jäänud? See tähenks, et nendele samadele laenudele toetuvast majanduskasvust ei saa osa just need, kes need laenud esmajoones kinni maksavad?… Read More Like this:Like Loading...