“Meie kõik armastame oma tööd ega kurda, et töömaht läheb regulaarselt üle töölepingus sätestatud piiri. Samal ajal ei saa ega ei tohi me leppida olukorraga, kus grantide hankimisest, taotluste kirjutamisest ning aruannete koostamisest saab meie põhiline tööülesanne, nii et õppe- ja teadustöö kvaliteet nihkub teisele või kolmandale kohale.” (Prof. Morozov)… Read More

The actions take place at the time when Riigikogu is scheduled to discuss the future of university education in Estonia and the demands for increased funding, clearly expressed by universities and academic trade unions. The basis for the demands is the Education Agreement, which sets the funding target at 1.5%+1.5% (1.5 per cent of the GDP must be used as public funding for university education and another 1.5 per cent for teachers’ salaries). The Education Agreement now also available in English! Read More

What makes this a curiosity is that the information science is not in the area of ​​responsibility of TU. This means that the Ministry of Education and Research does not financially support the curriculum. Nevertheless, closing the curriculum rises uproar even from the Ministry's side. Recently, the Council of Rectors has also pointed out that the prolonged underfunding of higher education is forcing universities to take steps that reduce the availability of higher education in curricula that are important for Estonian society. Read More