12. January 2021 | TÜAÜ | 1 Comment Logo: Eesti Akadeemiline Õigusteaduse Selts Eesti Akadeemiline Õigusteaduse Seltsi (EAÕS) had its annual meeting 2020 where the head of the supreme court of Estonia Villu Kõve gave a significant speech. In the background of the speech was the recent development in the University of Tartu where the faculty of law restored partially tuition feesbecause the financial situation was just so difficult. In Villu Kõve's speech, the topic is the UT faculty of law, nevertheless it resonates to all the worrying developments of the recent years mutual to the whole academia. Some points from the speech: The head of the supreme court has two worries: the worry for the quality of the law education and the worry for the UT faculty of law. The situation of the UT faculty of law is seen in an extremely dark light. The current system of financing the faculty prescribed by the university is decisively rejected. The bureaucracy originating from the university is criticized. "I have nothing positive to say here in regard to what we could do today; however with such a bureaucracy and such financing, it seems to me, it is not sustainable." The speech given on December 4 at the annual meeting of EAÕS „Mure õigushariduse pärast ehk kuidas koolitada perspektiivis kõrgetasemelisi juriste?” can be accessed on the EAÕS' webpage. Jaga:FacebookTwitterLinkedInLike this:Like Loading...
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