The initiative hope to help in the unfolding crisis – in health, climate, the economy, and political life – that we are facing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, in 2020, scientists have an ever greater responsibility to help set our societies on the path toward an economic future that is both sustainable and democratic. Read More

Assembly of Academic Unions, Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (ENTA), Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) and Eesti Teaduskoda sent today (15.05.2020) a public letter to the Parlament and Government of the Republic of Estonia, calling for integration of measures to enhance innovation, labour rights and environmental goals as the integral part any measure desined to revitalise the economy in crises. Read More

Juba mitu aastat on teadlased ja kõrgharidussektor andnud üldsusele mitmesuguste aktsioonide kaudu märku, et vanaviisi jätkata ei saa. Vajatakse rohkem raha, et püsida maailmas konkurentsis ning mõnel juhul selleks, et üldse elus püsida.… Read More