Source: Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse, innovatsiooni ning ettevõtluse arengukava 2021–2035 koostamise ettepanek

The position was introduced by the academic unions and student representatives - Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL). The Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EHL - federation of teachers' unions) and Eesti Energeetikatöötajate Ametiühingute Liit (energy sector), the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (ENTA) and Eesti Teaduskoda supported the position, making it cross-sectoral and inter-stakeholder.

The main message of the position is that the realistic step-by-step path covered by adequate funding has to be outlined so that by 2024 the public funding of science and higher education have to risen to 1% and 1.5%, respectively. lisada strateegiasse reaalne ressurssidega kaetud samm-sammuline plaan, kuidas jõuda riiklike teadusinvesteeringute tasemeni 1% SKPst ja riikliku kõrghariduse rahastamiseni 1,5 % SKPs aastaks 2024.

The position can be found here!

The draft of the strategy (version 30.05.2019) found here!


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