3. December 2020 | TÜAÜ | Leave a comment The reward was presented by the student friend of 2019 Tiit Land The Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) chose (Nov 21, 2020) the student friend of the year: the academic unions and Andi Hektor. The reward was presented by Tiit Land, the rector of the Tallinn University of Technology. See his appreciating words towards the academic unions (download; Youtube) Tiit Land said: "Thanks to the contribution of the academic unions, the scientists*, student unions and academic trade unions have gathered under common goals and empowered each-other in dealing together with the topics where the feeling of powerlessness could have prevailed instead if standing alone. The cooperation has brought real results." See what Tiit Land has to say about Andi Hektor's contribution (download; Youtube) See in detail on the web page of EÜL. *the organisations representing celebrated scientists (Eesti Teaduskoda and Eesti Noorte Teaduste Akadeemia) Jaga:FacebookTwitterLinkedInLike this:Like Loading...