(Taxed) health advancement costs (massage, training and other activities appointed by the work health doctor) in 2019 in Eur by each UT structure

Tartu Ülikooli arengukava The draft of the suggestions on the behalf of TÜAÜ were available to the union members via the mailing list. The union members comments were included in the position sent to the university on 21 September.

The most important stakes for TÜAÜ where the union's attention was directed:

  1. The possible reduction of academic staff would have long term unwanted effects regarding the national university and Estonian intelligentsia
  2. Stability of position
  3. Balance of work and private life
  4. Equal opportunities between structures for health advancement covered by the work place
  5. Workers inclusion via inclusion of workers representatives in decision making

The position in more detail is accessible via the mailing list of TÜAÜ.

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