20. March 2021 | TÜAÜ | Leave a comment On 18 March 2021, the academic unions, together with the Estonian Student Union, the Estonian Educators' Union (teachers) and the Estonian Trade Union Confederation, presented the Ministry of Education and Research the concept of the base component of the salary of an academic employee. Our vision: The stable base component in the salary of the academic employee ensures the pay of minimum subsistence for academic employees working in universities and research institutions and ensures salary stability, to alleviate project dependency. Every academic employee who is positively attested qualifies for the base component of the salary, guaranteed by the government. Academics receiving a retirement pension do not receive the base component of the salary. Põhisissetulek on summa baasrahastusest-tegevustoetusest, mis jaguneb kõrgharidus- ja teadusasutuste vahel vastavalt akadeemiliste töötajate arvule ning mida saab kasutada üksnes palkade maksmiseks – niiviisi on riigi poolt tagatud akadeemilise töötaja põhipalk. To ensure basic pay security for ALL researchers working in higher education and research institutions, less than one-fifth of the research funding of 1% of GDP agreed with the Teaduslepe is needed. To ensure salary twice as big as the national minimum to ALL lecturers, less than a decile is needed from the aimed higher education funding of 1.5% of GDP. Kokku kuluks akadeemiliste töötajate põhipalga tagamiseks 81,5 MEUR, mis on 0,291% SKP-st. Põhipalk rajab teed uuele kasvuperioodile Eesti innovaatilises majanduses ning tagab Eestile koha teadusmaailma tippude hulgas. Read in detail about the concept of the base component of the academic salary in the letter sent to the ministry. Signed by:Tartu University Faculty AssociationTallinna Ülikooli AmetiühingEesti Maaülikooli AmetiühingThe Federation of Estonian Student UnionsEesti Teadustöötajate Ametiliit (ETAL)Eesti Keele Instituudi AmetiühingEesti Haridustöötajate Liit (EHL)Eesti Ametiühingute Keskliit (EAKL) Jaga:FacebookTwitterLinkedInLike this:Like Loading...