Selle aasta tudengisõbrad on akadeemilised ametiühingud ja Andi Hektor The Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) chose (Nov 21, 2020) the student friend of the year: the academic unions and Andi Hektor. The reward was presented by Tiit Land, the rector of the Tallinn University of Technology. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
France is about to become less free In the name of upholding the core values of the French Republic, however, French lawmakers introduced new legislation that effectively restricts them, writes journal The Atlantic. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
A new system of job grades with new minimum salary rates will be introduced in the University of Tartu on January 1, 2021 The University of Tartu introduces a new system of job grades with new minimum salary rates on January 1, 2021. What an how is about to change? Read More Like this:Like Loading...
How risky is air travel? What does the science say? The academic life consists of repeated stays abroad to study or share your knowledge. Those who are away now or are waiting for a dear one to come home for the Christmas have an urgent question: how safe it the way home. For our relief, flying may be rather safe if to imply caution. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Why it was so hard for the Democrats to win the presidential elections? Õhtuleht (Nov 4, 2020) writes that the highly equal results in the presidential elections show how the US society is deeply split, and asks the reader to think what are the sources of such a conflict. The parallel is drawn to Estonia where the left-out have also recently revolted. The situation around the US elections and its background (shared between the US and Estonia as pointed out by Õhtuleht) explained in The Guardian. Read More Like this:Like Loading...