The UT Union's proposal regarding the new salary rules of the university: a basic income is needed for the academic worker Though, the rise in salary is fictitious as long the pay depends solely on grant owned by the research group - it means whether the current finances allow any pay rise firsthand! Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The European Commission: the solution is in collective bargaining Countries with high collective bargaining coverage tend to have a lower share of low-wage workers, lower wage inequality and higher minimum wages. Therefore, the Commission proposal aims at promoting collective bargaining on wages in all Member States. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Web conference "European minimum wage" on October 27 in DELFI-TV This week the Brussels have to present the directive about the European minimum wage. Before it on 27 October, European Parliament member Yana Toom organises a web conference in the news portal Delfi called „Eurpean minimum wage: pro and contra“. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The ministry's answer to the position of the academic unions and other organisations regarding the Estonia's Strategy of Science, Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for 2021–2035 The answer from the Ministry of Education and Research was received on October 19, 2020 assuring the rise of public funding of science to 1% of GDP in 2021. The concerns regarding funding the higher education are supposed to be regarded in „Haridusvaldkonna arengukava 2021-2035“ . Read More Like this:Like Loading...
It is possible to do even more to improve the mental health in the university The University of Tartu has created risk reduction mechanisms but there exist also risks amplifying aspects, can be written in the magazine of the university - Universitas Tartuensis. Among the others, the mental health risks associated to the lack of funding in science and higher education should be considered more in the university. Read More Like this:Like Loading...