The Long-term EU Budget Allocates Less Funds to Science The Horizon was initially planned by the EU Parlament to be worth of 120 billion. The European Commission cut the plan to 94.4 billion in May. Eventually, the final sum agreed stayed 80.9 billion. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
"Stand up for Democracy and Freedom of Science" In the troubled times, the signatories of the Statement created in Kloster Eberbach regard the European Higher Education Area as an essential stability factor. With their paper, they appeal to strengthen the European Higher Education Area established with the Bologna Declaration in June 1999, and to defend common European values as the foundation of higher education. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The academic workers pursue fixing the funding to Higher education and science in a low Akadeemiliste Ametiühingute, Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liidu ja Eesti Teaduskoja koostatud rahvaalgatuses loodetakse fikseerida seaduses kõrghariduse ja teaduse rahastamine vastavalt 1,5 ja ühe protsendiga SKP-st ja põlistada kolmepoolsed läbirääkimised.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
TÜAÜ held the general assembly on July 10 Vaatamata koroonakriisi eriolukorrale oli Tartu Ülikooli Ametiühingu üldkoosolek otsustusvõimeline kuna kohal piisaval arvul liikmeid. Paljud liikmed olid esindatud volitusega.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The Union offers all the UT workers a possibility to book a budget accommodation in Pärnu Raeküla School Despite the confusion from the Corona crises, the seasonal holiday home in Pärnu Raeküla School will open for the union members during July 3 - August 2. Read More Like this:Like Loading...