Academic unions consider that wage stability and job security for academics would make a major contribution to solving the problems for which bill drafting has been initiated. Also, ensuring academic freedom takes Estonian science forward. In addition, ensuring work equipment, (basic) salary and finding a replacement for an employee in case of illness are the employer's responsibilities, not the employee's ones. Read More

The Union of the University of Tartu signed an agreement with Pärnu Raeküla School also for this summer to implement a holiday home for the union members. The holiday period at Pärnu Raeküla school is between 5 and 30 July 2021. Register, some vacancies left! Read More

As a solution to the problem that core funding does not sufficiently support the functioning of the institutions' research career model, the draft under Alternative no. 2 proposes that, similarly to what is applied in higher education, the obligations of the institution and the financial support by the state to fulfill these obligations are agreed between the state and the institution. Read More