Seekordses “Fookuses” tuleb jutuks see, millise loterii alusel saavad Eesti teadlased oma projektidele rahastuse. Süsteemi viletsust kirjeldavad Ruth Tammeorg akadeemiliste ametiühingute positsioonilt ja Peeter Espak tegevteadlase omalt. Saadet juhib Mihkel Kunnus.… Read More

The actions take place at the time when Riigikogu is scheduled to discuss the future of university education in Estonia and the demands for increased funding, clearly expressed by universities and academic trade unions. The basis for the demands is the Education Agreement, which sets the funding target at 1.5%+1.5% (1.5 per cent of the GDP must be used as public funding for university education and another 1.5 per cent for teachers’ salaries). The Education Agreement now also available in English! Read More