Kuku raadio arutab teadusrahastuse probleeme täna kell 11.00 Seekordses “Fookuses” tuleb jutuks see, millise loterii alusel saavad Eesti teadlased oma projektidele rahastuse. Süsteemi viletsust kirjeldavad Ruth Tammeorg akadeemiliste ametiühingute positsioonilt ja Peeter Espak tegevteadlase omalt. Saadet juhib Mihkel Kunnus.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium on saanud valmis TAKS eelnõu esimese versiooni Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium on saatnud sotsiaalpartneritele TAKS eelnõu esimese versiooni koos seletuskirjaga. Saada oma ettepanekud akadeemilistele ametiühingutele.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The discussion in Riigikogu tomorrow (9 Dec) will be accompanied by public meetings in Tallinn and Tartu - be there on Thursday 9 Dec at 9.30, it is highly needed to speak up for higher education! The actions take place at the time when Riigikogu is scheduled to discuss the future of university education in Estonia and the demands for increased funding, clearly expressed by universities and academic trade unions. The basis for the demands is the Education Agreement, which sets the funding target at 1.5%+1.5% (1.5 per cent of the GDP must be used as public funding for university education and another 1.5 per cent for teachers’ salaries). The Education Agreement now also available in English! Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Public meeting already this week at 9. Dec (Thursday) at 9.30! How to attend a public meeting? Bring in all the supporters of high-quality higher education, such as your students or your lecturer, and come to a public meeting on December 9 at 9.30 in Tartu or Tallinn! Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Foresight Centre's webinar "Is higher education on the verge of a turnaround?" on 13 Okt at 15.00 The seminar will address the main trends affecting the future of higher education and what opportunities and challenges they present. How does the reality of Estonian higher education relate to these trends? What could be the role of higher education in lifelong learning? Read More Like this:Like Loading...