Heiki Lill: lecturers, to retain your dignity, listen to Janek Mägg and leave work Lecturer, show your dissatisfaction with the current situation and underfunding. And you can do it in two ways: either by joining a union and showing together with your colleagues that there is strength in unity, or by changing a job. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Tartu 2021 kohalikel valmistel kandideerib mitmeid ülikooli taustaga ja ametiühingu väärtusi jagavaid inimesi 2021. aasta kohalike omavalitsuste valimisel (KOV 2021) kandideerivad mitmed inimesed, kes jagavad ülikooli ametiühingu ideaale. Et teadlaste aktiivne osavõtt omavalitsuses saaks anda parema tulemuse nii akadeemia kui ka ühiskonna jaoks tervikuna!… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
A trip to Piirissaar for union members at the end of the summer A trip to Piirissaar is planned at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn if there are enough union members interested in a trip and the weather conditions allow. #puhkaEestis #ametiühing #Peipsi… Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Have a stay at Pärnu Holiday Home in July The Union of the University of Tartu signed an agreement with Pärnu Raeküla School also for this summer to implement a holiday home for the union members. The holiday period at Pärnu Raeküla school is between 5 and 30 July 2021. Register, some vacancies left! Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The conference of higher education by the Federation of Estonian Student Unions already on Friday 11.06 and the conference of legal education by the Estonian Academic Society of Law also on Friday 11.06 Friday 11.06, the Conference on the Future of Higher Education and Student Democracy. Also on Friday 11.06, a conference about the pressing issues in legal education, issues which are universally recognized in the whole Estonian higher education - for example, a title of a presentation: “Legal education - a public task or a service by the free market” Read More Like this:Like Loading...