
Politico write in an article 'Belarus frees protesters as workers turn on Lukashenko' how the regime in Belarus changed its reaction and released the detained protesters under the pressure from the industry unions' wave of straiks. Read More

In the troubled times, the signatories of the Statement created in Kloster Eberbach regard the European Higher Education Area as an essential stability factor. With their paper, they appeal to strengthen the European Higher Education Area established with the Bologna Declaration in June 1999, and to defend common European values as the foundation of higher education. Read More

Vaatamata koroonakriisi eriolukorrale oli Tartu Ülikooli Ametiühingu üldkoosolek otsustusvõimeline kuna kohal piisaval arvul liikmeid. Paljud liikmed olid esindatud volitusega.… Read More