Photo: Siim Lõvi /ERR

The academic unions sent their opinion about the draft of the law changing the existing laws regarding student stipend and student loan and the doctoral reform. The organisations joined the opinion:

Tartu University Faculty Association
Tallinna Ülikooli Ametiühing
Eesti Maaülikooli Ametiühing
Eesti Teadustöötajate Ametiliit (ETAL)
Eesti Haridustöötajate Liit (EHL – the teachers union)

The purpose of the draft ant the doctoral reform is to improve the efficiency of the doctoral studies and ensure the succession of energisers and scientists. The signatories of the opinion support the goal to supply PhD student with motivating salary and a work contract with benefits associated to it. However, the opinion points out how the crucial part of a successful PhD project is actually the supervisor who has had time and energy to dedicate. Overworking and stressing for job security and pay stability deteriorates the quality of supervision. "The opinion about the draft of the law changing the laws regarding student stipend and student loan" 2 Feb. 2021 (in Estonian only).

See also the refelction about the unions' opinion in UT intranet.

The Ministry of Education and Research asked the academic unions to comment on the draft of the law changing the existing laws regarding student stipend and student loan and the doctoral reform. See the earlier news on our web page.


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