The issue of researcher's job security is raised in the draft intention of the research and development organization act As a solution to the problem that core funding does not sufficiently support the functioning of the institutions' research career model, the draft under Alternative no. 2 proposes that, similarly to what is applied in higher education, the obligations of the institution and the financial support by the state to fulfill these obligations are agreed between the state and the institution. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The conference of higher education by the Federation of Estonian Student Unions already on Friday 11.06 and the conference of legal education by the Estonian Academic Society of Law also on Friday 11.06 Friday 11.06, the Conference on the Future of Higher Education and Student Democracy. Also on Friday 11.06, a conference about the pressing issues in legal education, issues which are universally recognized in the whole Estonian higher education - for example, a title of a presentation: “Legal education - a public task or a service by the free market” Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Podcast by trade unions: A fair transition Among the speakers, there is the chair of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Estonian Energy Sector (representing, among others, Ida-Viru oil shale miners) who have supported the efforts of academic unions to increase funding for research and higher education, because the energy sector unionists there are well aware that without strong science (and the innovation that comes from it) and quality education, there can be no fair transition. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The crisis of the Estonian-speaking academic labor market "In order to preserv higher education in Estonian, doctoral students fluent in Estonian are needed, who are attracted to academic careers," writes the culture newspaper Sirp. The problems described by the article are also known from other analyzes. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The dates of Pärnu Holiday Home clarified and holiday registration opened The Union of the University of Tartu has signed an agreement with Pärnu Raeküla School also for this summer to implement a holiday home for the union members. The holiday period at Pärnu Raeküla school is between 5 and 30 July 2021. Register now! Read More Like this:Like Loading...