Academic unions sent an opinion about the doctoral reform The signatories of the opinion support the goal to supply PhD student with motivating salary and a work contract with benefits associated to it. However, the opinion points out how the crucial part of a successful PhD project is actually the supervisor who has had time and energy to dedicate. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The higher education urgently need 1.5% of GDP, the science needs continuous maintaining of 1% The academic unions, non-union representatives of the top scientists and the student unions have been calling with a growing sense of urgency for public financing of the higher education and science of 1.5% and 1% of GDP, respectively. The UT's magazine Universitas Tartuensis in its January edition has a few articles concerning the topics. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The questions the Trade Union of the University of Tartu asked about the process of changing the salary rules and the UT's answer can now be found in the intranet To comply with the new higher education law, the University of Tartu will change the academic job descriptions on January 1, 2021 and introduce a new structure of academic positions. TÜAÜ sent TÜ an inquiry about the process of changing the salary rules on December 17. December 28, TÜAÜ received the UT's answer. The both are found on the UT intranet. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
Asking for the opinion about the draft of the law changing the laws regarding student stipend and student loan The Ministry of Education and Research is asking the academic unions to comment on the draft, the union asks input from its members. Read More Like this:Like Loading...
The university has aligned its Work Rules and collective bargaining agreement with the temporary scheme for sick leave reimbursement adopted by the Estonian parliament TÜ Ametiühing hindab ülikooli poolset hoolimist töötajate tervisest ja tahet, et kes end vähegi haigena tunneb, saaks jääda koju ilma sellepärast palgas kaotamata. Tartu Ülikool hüvitab 100%-liselt 1.–5. haiguspäeva kulud perioodil 01.01.2021 – 30.04.2021 väljastatud haiguslehtede korral.… Read More Like this:Like Loading...