Õhtuleht (Nov 4, 2020) writes that the highly equal results in the presidential elections show how the US society is deeply split, and asks the reader to think what are the sources of such a conflict. The parallel is drawn to Estonia where the left-out have also recently revolted. The situation around the US elections and its background (shared between the US and Estonia as pointed out by Õhtuleht) explained in The Guardian. Read More

The answer from the Ministry of Education and Research was received on October 19, 2020 assuring the rise of public funding of science to 1% of GDP in 2021. The concerns regarding funding the higher education are supposed to be regarded in „Haridusvaldkonna arengukava 2021-2035“ . Read More

The University of Tartu has created risk reduction mechanisms but there exist also risks amplifying aspects, can be written in the magazine of the university - Universitas Tartuensis. Among the others, the mental health risks associated to the lack of funding in science and higher education should be considered more in the university. Read More