On November 10, 2021, a seminar "Revolutionary Situation in Estonian Higher Education: When Some Can't and Others Don't Want the Old Way" (watch here) was held in the conference hall of the Riigikogu. The seminar gave the impression that there is no real will or belief on the part of political parties or universities that 1.5% of GDP is achievable and free education in Estonian is necessary. For most speakers, it seems more appropriate at least n short run) to collect the missing funding from students in the form of (partial) tuition. The Social Democrats and Greens also mentioned the Education Agreement , to which both have signed.

By comparison, teachers (who have been mentioned a few times) are not a priority for the state by chance, but because teachers have a strong union that has the ability to communicate their interests consistently and, if necessary, to strike. Thanks to the joint pressure of the representative organizations of academic staff (unions, Teaduskoda, ENTA), we achieved the implementation of the research agreement!

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