21. December 2020 | TÜAÜ | 1 Comment February 5 The organisations representing the employees of the education sector in Estonia made an appeal to the ministers concerning the potential threats in the flexibilization of the labour law. (availabe in Estonian only) March 3 The public meeting discussing the working conditions in the University of Tartu, held commonly by the UT and the TÜAÜ. (available in Estonian only) March 10 The Academic Unions, the Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) and Eesti Teaduskoda compiled a draft for the amendment to the law and published the draft in the portal Rahvaalgatus.ee to seek suppost from the public and send the amendment to the parliament. Rahvaalgatus aimed to:(1) Assign the national funding of higher education and science as a ratio of Gross Domestic Product, respectively 1.5% and 1%(2) Add a mandatory three-way pay negotiation between academic employees, employers and the Ministry of Education and ResearchDespite of coinciding with the being of the Corona crises in Estonia, Rahvaalgatus attracted 1500 signatures. To send a draft to Riigikogu, 1000 signatures are needed. Those 1000 signatures were collected in 2 days. May 15 Assembly of Academic Unions, Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (ENTA), Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) and Eesti Teaduskoda sent today (15.05.2020) a public letter to the Parlament and Government of the Republic of Estonia, calling for the integration of measures to enhance innovation, labour rights and environmental goals as an integral part any measure designed to revitalise the economy in crises. Teadlased, õppejõud ja üliõpilased leidsid, et riigiabi jagamisel tuleks lähtuda lisaks majanduslikele kriteeriumitele ka ettevõtte innovaatilisusest, käitumisest töötajate õiguste tagamisel ja keskkonnasõbralikkusest. Soovitasime valitsusel moodustada nõustava ekspertide kogu majanduskriisi rahaliste, sotsiaalsete ja keskkonnakaitseliste tahkudega tegelemiseks. Pöördumise juures oli oluline, et ühiskonda laiemalt puudutava (mitte kitsalt akadeemilist maailma puudutava) ühise sõnumi taha koondudes vaatasid allakirjutanud organisatsioonid oma tavapärase tegevusala piiridest kaugemale ja kinnitasid ühisosa maailmanägemuses ja visioonis Eesti tuleviku osas! September 7 The inter-sectoral positions regarding the Estonia's Strategy of Science, Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for 2021–2035 were introduced by was introduced by the academic unions and student representatives (Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL)), the Estonian Educational Personnel Union (EHL - federation of teachers' unions), Eesti Energeetikatöötajate Ametiühingute Liit (energy sector), the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (ENTA) and Eesti Teaduskoda. The main message of the position is that the realistic step-by-step path covered by adequate funding has to be outlined so that by 2024 the public funding of science and higher education have to risen to 1% and 1.5%, respectively. The ministry's answer to the position from October 19 assures the rise of public funding of science to 1% of GDP in 2021. The concerns regarding funding the higher education are supposed to be regarded in „Haridusvaldkonna arengukava 2021-2035“. September 14 Photo: EÜL Scientist, lecturers and students want the science and higher education to be funded properly, and held a public meeting over these matters with many speakers from both the government and coalition and the opposition. During the meeting, the Parliament Speaker Mr. Põlluaas received the 1500 signatures gathered in spring in a public call for the better funding for the sector. Photo: delfi.ee September 18 The unions were officially asked by the Ministry of Education and Research to participate in the working groups about changing the law concerning the research and development. The invitation could be linked to the recent activity by the unions and student representatives: the statement about "Eesti teadus- ja arendustegevuse, innovatsiooni ning ettevõtluse arengukava 2021–2035", visit to the ministry, and the public meeting about the funding of science and higher education on 14. September at the the parliament. September 21 The University of Tartu Faculty Union sent its positions about the Development Plan of University of Tartu 2025. The union members were encaged in compiling the position where the most important stakes were:1. The possible reduction of academic staff would have long term unwanted effects regarding the national university and Estonian intelligentsia2. Stability of position3. Balance of work and private life4. Equal opportunities between structures for health advancement covered by the work place5. Workers inclusion via inclusion of workers representatives in decision making September 29 The government decides a rise in the public budget of science.PM Jüri Ratas: "1% from the public budget to the science is a historic step." Unions: "A right act! Thanks to everybody who were consistent to speak up in order to achieve it!" October In the magazine of the university - Universitas Tartuensis - the ideas from the TÜAÜ's positions about the Development Plan of University of Tartu 2025 are referred. Among the others, Ms. Ruth Tammeorg, the chair of the labour union in the university points out the mental health risks associated to the lack of funding in science and higher education and how that connection should be considered both in the state level but also in the university. November 21 The student Friends of the Year are academic unions and Andi Hektor. The reward was presented by Tiit Land, the rector of the Tallinn University of Technology:"Thanks to the contribution of the academic unions, the scientists*, student unions and academic trade unions have gathered under common goals and empowered each-other in dealing together with the topics where the feeling of powerlessness could have prevailed instead if standing alone. The cooperation has brought real results." The student friend of 2019 – Tiit Land (foto: tlu.ee) 17. detsember 17. detsembril esitas TÜAÜ ülikooli juhtkonnale järelpärimise palgaeeskirja muudatuste protsessi kohta Tartu Ülikoolis. Seoses uue kõrgharidusseadusega jõustuvad Tartu Ülikoolis 1. jaanuaril 2021 muudatused akadeemiliste töötajate ametijuhendites ja ülikool läheb üle uuele akadeemiliste ametikohtade struktuurile, mis toob kaasa muutused TÜ palgaeeskirjas. Palgaeeskiri on iga töötaja töölepingu lahutamatu osa. Jaga:FacebookTwitterLinkedInLike this:Like Loading...
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