Tervishoiu- ja sotsiaalhoolekande valdkonna kõrgharidus- ja teadusasutusi üle Euroopa koondava organisatsiooni COHEHRE iga-aastane konverents (mis toimub sel korral 3-4 aprill 2019 Hispaanias) ootab osalejatelt ettekannete teeside esitamist juba 18. novembriks 2018. Kiirusta! Konverents toimub Hispaanias Kataloonias ülikoolis Universitat de Vic-UCC.

Konverentsi korraldava kõrgharidusasutusi koondava mittetulundusorganisatsiooni COHEHRE kohta leiab rohkem infot siit. COHEHRE on loodud 1990. aastal. TÜAÜ on COHEHRE liige aastast 2018.

Inglise keelne kutse konverentsile on toodud allpool:


The theme and sub-themes of the conference will be:


Empowerment of service users and providers

·         Expert patient

·         Empowering staff and students

·         Interdisciplinary cooperation and collaboration in education

·         Service user care pathways

·         Actual and virtual communities of practice

·         Creating health working environments

Ethical and legal challenges

·         Sharing service user records

·         Artificial intelligence

·         Privacy

·         Confidentiality

·         Service user autonomy and choice

Ehealth, learning and upcoming technologies

·         Assistive technologies

·         Communication technologies

·         Ehealth literacy

·         Simulation

·         Flow of information and coordination of care from acute to community settings
to promote person centered care

·         Future technology


COHEHRE Conference welcome abstracts (oral presentations or posters) no longer than 2300 characters including spaces (around 350 words) in the following presentation categories:

·         Research study

·         Practice development or innovative project

·         Educational workshop

Abstract guidelines are available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nMum9vl0nOxq6gqfF4ptQB7iDjhRNq4-/view?usp=sharin.

Abstract submission is available at: https://goo.gl/forms/O6RcyrHexdRPoGGF3

Link to webpage is: http://www.cohehre.com/index.php/2018/06/25/cohehre-conference-2019/


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